About us
We are Red Brick Design and design prints of cool and interesting buildings...old and new.
Red Brick is a Manchester based graphic design house specialising in digitally designed and crafted versions of architecturally iconic or significant buildings, football stadiums...and some trains! Some of our designs are faithful to the original style and look, whilst some of them we have employed some creative licence to bring a bit of colour or drama to the scene.
We are born, bred and based in the North West. Formed in 2018, our design portfolio has grown from being focused on this region, to now covering buildings and stadiums around the UK and beyond!
Our ambition however is to produce some designs of stadiums, towns and other local landmarks that you probably won’t see many designs of...so send us a message if you have a building you think we should do a design of.
You can stalk us on the usual Instagram and Facebook social channels @redbrickdesignuk